Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crafty Birdhouse Fun

Norah is always happiest when she has something to do. This little birhouse craft kept her busy for a couple of hours. It's made from a half gallon juice box. Norah painted the whole thing and then strung the bead handle while we waited for it to dry. Then she covered the front with beads and glued the sticks on top for the roof. We filled it with bird seed and hung it up. So far it has held up well, which is saying alot seeing as how the humidity has been so bad here lately that the air actually has some texture to it. We will definitely do this craft again. It was relatively easy and Norah was able to do 90% of it herself. (For those of you without 5 year olds that is a HUGE deal to them.) Good job Sister!

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