Friday, September 09, 2011

Photo Friday: Pho', Moon Cakes and the week in review.

Glen made dinner the other night and modeled it after the pho' resturants that are all over the place here. Yes, it was as good as it looks.
Annie sent us a beautiful tin with moon cakes in it to celebrate the Chinese Moon Festival. She is so sweet. Thank you Annie. Hey, Boo Annie said to tell you hi. Hi from us to Boo. Love you.

Well this was Norah's first sort of full week at school. We were off Monday for Labor Day. Norah really likes the school but is having a hard time transitioning when we drop her off in the morning. The kids are expected to walk into the school and back to their classrooms without a parent. This morning I had some help. We walked in the front door and Norah refused to take her backpack, she was not going to go quietly. Luckily one of the great adults at the school took her hand and said bye bye and off they went. Whew! As soon as I was out the front door she was fine. We are so thankful for this new school and all the great people involved with it.

After we dropped Norah off at school Glen and I went to the grocery store. Glen is trying to work out how to do the whole extreme coupon thing and I do believe he is getting close. He was able to get about $320.00 worth of groceries that we need for about 116.00! He did manage to get a whole bunch of Gatorade for free but man can not live by Gatorade alone. While we were at the grocery store I called my Mom to ask her to please send me some of the big bags of plain cornmeal from home. Apparently here corn meal is sold in little bitty very expensive canisters. I mean seriously what do these people use to make a pan of cornbread or to coat their catfish in? When I got her on the phone she told me that Dad had an accident this morning. Somebody had hit another car and then slid into him. Luckily he had on his seatbelt. He did manage to hit his forehead on the visor though. I'm glad your ok Dad! So we all talked on the phone for about thirty minutes. It's always good to hear their voices. Then I begged for cornmeal.

Norah is going to start being tested for her IEP evaluation next week. We are really excited that things are moving right along. I will have to put her hair in pigtails so she is super cute on Monday. It never hurts your test score to charm the person giving the test. Just saying.
I guess most of this weekend will be spent reviewing my IEP book and typing up a parent letter to attach to her IEP. Except Saturday afternoon. I am going to volunteer at the warehouse for a group called One Brick. I will be helping repackage bulk donated food into more usable portions for a few hours. Hopefully I can meet some nice new people from our area.

Glen has taken it as a personal challenge to lure the squirrel into the apartment. Seriously! This could get ugly.


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