Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Three Days Post-op

It was a long day for Norah with a long wait in the truck at the 24 hour Walgreens to get her pain medications and antibiotics but she needed her pain meds so we waited till 11:00 P.M. to get them filled. They told us at first it was going to be like 3:00A.M. but Lori explained to them that Norah just had surgery and that we needed at least her pain medication because she was due for a dose at 11:00P.M. So two hours later at 11:00 they called me in to pick it up. We need to find another 24 hour pharmacy. They had her head wrapped tight and the poor girl had to look up to see out of her eyes.

Because Norah had a long surgery and a CSF leak, that the surgeon already knew would happen during surgery and so he was prepared for during surgery, she is supposed to limit her activity for the next seven days, and sleep with her head elevated. Ha! Norah is a supper active child so we have been busy trying to limit her activities to things that won’t increase the pressure in her head. So Norah and I got out the colored paper, glue and scissors. This is what we came up with. She cracks me up.



This is three days post -o. She is feeling better and no longer needs her pain medication. She gets her head wrap off today and is so ready so that she can see with her eyes open and take some pressure off her head. Man, she hated to take her pain meds it was a battle every time we had to give it to her. It tasted terrible and we even had them put favoring in it to try to make it better, didn’t work, she likes her antibiotic but the pain meds where bad-bad-bad. Oh and if you can’t tell we got into some stickers that grandma brought us.




Still a beautiful girl, even with her head shaved.


Kammy K. said...

Glen ... avoid that 24 hour pharmacy !!! ALWAYS !!!! You have a pharmacist that is only a phone call away !!! Call anytime !

Grimes Family said...

Beautful Indeed!

Charlotte said...

Love the little wings and the stickers. She cracks me up !

Sandra said...

Of course she is beautiful :-)
And it is only the beginning of a lot of beautiful things to come!