Friday, October 09, 2009

The Crafty Witch


Last Halloween we new we were getting close to a referral so when the Halloween crafts went on sale we snatched them up and put them away for this year. When we got the Halloween decorations down it was fun to see what treasures awaited Norah. The first one we did was this Witch had puppet; I will get the other out over the coming days so she has a craft project to do every day.
We also had to play dress up with a Halloween flare she was way too excited about it and doesn’t even know about the candy that is about to come her why. Oh the girl loves candy and the first few times we go up to a house on Halloween night should be a riot.

I guess we will have to teach her to sign trick or treat because she can’t produce the T sound yet. That is some thing we will work towards for next year. Her latest hearing test was at 50-60 DB again so they tried to remap Norah but when Norah blinked her eyes in response to sound they backed off and put her back on the same program as before. Some one from Cochlear will be down on next Thursday to do training on new equipment at Children’s hospital and our CI person is going to try to get them to help with a new map for Norah.



1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh my goodness... I LOVE the look on her face when she is coming out the door!