Norah had a surprise waiting for her when she got home yesterday. My Mom sent Norah a birthday gift for her fourth birthday. When Norah and I walked into the house and Norah saw Dora standing on the table she threw up her arms and ran to it. I helped her get it out of the box and signed to her that "Your doll looks a lot like you." Norah shook her hand yes with a smile on her face, then the smile turned into the look she gets when she is questioning something, and she pointed to her ears and then to Dora's ears.
Thanks MOM
Also Norah made the Love Without Boundaries blog. Love Without Boundaries did so much for our little girl, and my family owes them a great deal of credit for Norah's transition into our family. We can see in Norah that she was well loved and cared for by her LWB foster family and the team that worked with her in China. All of that starts with donations.
I never forget that there people out there who supported LWB through the years and gave me the chance to be a father again, to a child that has a way of brightening up not just my life, but the lives of everyone she comes in contact with. If you want to see the story on the LWB Blog click on the link here
Oh my goodness... how very sweet!
We are so blessed!
LWB, thank you for the excellent care you provided for Norah our sweet sweet granddaughter. Also I love the Native American Doll I bought from you auction. May many more children receive the gift of healing you provide. CW
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