Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mailed off the post placement fee/depostit

I mailed off a $500.00 check to CCAI for our post placement homestudy reports. After we get back from China we have to do home study updates for the Chinese goverment at six months and one year so China knows we are taking good care of Norah and so the social worker can make sure that our family and Norah are bonding and attaching well. We have spent the last few years reading up on the subject and getting to know families that have adopted an older waiting child from China and their experiences. We are about as ready as a family can be with out actually experincing it at this point. Hopefully all the preperations we have done will help us and our daughter adjust to a new life together. We still don't have PA yet. We are still hoping for it by Christmas so I can share the photos we have of Norah. In one she is standing outside in the play area arms at her side looking at whoever is taking her photo with the most pittiful look on her face. Lori and I wish we could go to China today and be with her, but we have to wait on China to get some paperwork back to us, and for the U.S. consulate office in China to give us an appointment for Norahs visa to leave the country, and become a U.S. citizen. I still think that will happen and we will be on our way to Norah Grace around March 15th.

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