Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas Norah!

A friend of ours from Sunday school class gave us this CD two years ago for Christmas. After they decided to grow their family through adopting a child from China. I remember how three years ago they told us they were so excided we were adopting a little girl from China and that they had always wanted to grow their family through adoption but couldn’t see how they could possibly do it. After a year of soul searching and praying about it they signed on with the agency we are using and are currently waiting for their referral.
They gave us this CD from THIRD DAY titled Christmas Offerings. The song that I have posted on here for the week is very fitting. A band member from third day wrote it while waiting to travel to China to be with his daughter at Christmas time. It has already been a wonderful Christmas with the recent referral of Norah; we can’t wait until we travel so the whole family can be together.
Merry Christmas sweet girl we will be there soon,
Love Mom & Dad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

fab cd.. tell me when you have listened to the whole thing and have cried at that last song. It soooo hits home